Monday, March 23, 2009

Letter Tag

I was tagged and have to name 10 things I love that start with the letter "K"

1. Kristin my sissy
2 Kodiak dog
3. Kooder dog
4. Kissing my hunnies
5. Kids my baby and nieces and nephews
6. keys to my car
7. K-mart my old job
8. Kris Kringle Merry Christmas
9. Kites

I tag Jill with the letter "R" Kristin with the letter "A" Nicole with the letter "P" and Monica with the letter "W"


Hayden and Brent said...

Yay! Good job! Wasnt to bad was it? Hows it going? Are you getting packed? Do you need help? Have you found a place?

Nicole said...

Me, Nicole? lol